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Originally presented at the 2015 e-Assessment Tomorrow conference, listen to Jim Crawford from BTL Learning & Assessment talk through the challenges of delivering summative assessment on tablet devices, and the views our customers have on this new channel of delivery:

Changing Technology

Tablet technology is a rapidly changing channel of delivery with new devices and software being released on an almost weekly basis. This is a challenge to providers of app-based summative assessment. Hear how BTL has tackled this with its Surpass Delivery application for iOS and Android.

Unsuitable User Interfaces

For delivery of traditional assessments, such as 3 hour written exams, tablets can be a challenge. In this presentation, Jim explores how we have tackled this with innovative approaches to design and unlocking the potential of tablets and connected devices.


Security is key in summative assessment, and the nature of app design restricts traditional lockout methods. We have made use of native security approaches to ensure the security of exams. The measures guarantee that without the correct lock downs in place, the exam cannot start.

The Unknown

Moving to a new platform brings new opportunities, but also new threats to success. Batteries, damage to devices, internet access… all could make you discount it before you embrace it. Jim reflects on some key statements made by Surpass customers about how they are facing the unknown and the potential they see in the technology, its flexibility and the opportunity it presents to enhance the learning experience.

“We must recognise and adapt to the emergence of technology…”
Syed M Islam, AAT

“…a very interesting value proposition for educational institutions.”
Martin Lowder, The British Council

“… help learners to see assessment as the natural extension of their learning experience.”
Graham Clarke, SQA

Watch the following presentation to learn about this in full

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